Colarelli Custom Homes
Ways to Save Money when Building a Custom Home
One of the most frequent questions we get asked is, “Is it more expensive to build a custom home than to buy one?” The answer is simple: it does not have to. While custom homes are generally more expensive than production built houses, custom homes are built for you and in accordance with your budget. This means that you don’t get anything that you do not need in your house. Every space is maximized. As long as you keep an eye on your budget and make choices that align with that, you can save a lot of money when building your dream house. Here are our tips to help you plan for the perfect custom home without breaking the bank.
Location, Location, Location
With all the beautiful sites to choose from in Colorado, there are some lots that will cost you more than others. One way to reduce the total cost of your custom home is to find a site that has very little slope in regards to the terrain. Flatter sites are more cost effective in that they require less modifications to build a home. An empty, flat lot will need much less cleaning than a sloped lot full of trees. Your builder will be able to assist you with estimations for lot clearing. Additionally, they can provide you with information for drainage, sewers, power lines, and other challenges you may encounter. The plot plan must be reviewed with your builder before making a budget.
It can be helpful to involve your home builder before buying your lot. Colarelli Custom Homes can perform a no-cost lot assessment that can determine the suitability for your custom home. This ensures that you own a lot that is a nice fit for your design and budget.
Choosing Simplicity over Complexity
Naturally, a home with a complicated floor plan and professional architectural design details will cost more than a simple home. When building a custom home, it’s important to remember that every corner or wall that is different than the norm will add to the cost of your home. Additionally, irregular and steep roofing can shoot the price of your home up. Meeting with an architect early on helps ensure that you get a house that incorporates everything that is important to you while staying within your budget.
You can also save money when you go to choose the finishing materials for the interior of your home. Things like cheaper cabinetry, countertops, flooring, fixtures, etc. all will impact the end price of your home. You do not have to sacrifice quality over cost, either. For example, instead of pure hardwood flooring, you could choose Luxury Vinyl Planks that look like hardwood at a cheaper price point.
If you can, shoot for less fancy kitchen appliances. Down grading expensive appliances for something inexpensive that can be upgraded later is a good decision for saving money when building your custom home. Nearly every aspect of a kitchen can be upgraded or remodeled down the road, including appliances, cabinetry, backsplash, and flooring.
Lower Square Footage
Another simpler way to reduce the costs of your project is to decrease the amount of square footage in your home. If you want to save on space without reducing square footage, consider building up for a two-story design, instead of making a wider one-story.
Simple Roofing Is Key
The roof is a costly facet of the home, since it hosts some of the most expensive materials and labor necessary for installation. The simpler the roof system, the more cost effective it will be. An example of an inexpensive roof is a single ridge-line roof with a shallow pitch. Complicated roofs involve hips and valleys with steep pitch. While these roofs may be more visually appealing, they will also be much more expensive than a simple roof. A roofing company Colorado Springs can help you figure out the right options for you.
Choose a Strong Custom Home Builder
Finding a custom home builder that has the experience and skill that you need to build your perfect home is worth the hassle and will end up saving you money in the long run. Building a home is a process that requires a reliable builder to deliver the home on time. When searching for your custom home builder, ask for references who can vouch for the reliability of your potential home builder.
Contact Us
Colarelli Custom Homes can be that company for you. We take pride in being an honest, professional, and expert custom home builder in Colorado Springs. Our customer service is something that sets us apart from the rest of the competition, as we work alongside our client and their budget. If you want to learn more about Colarelli Custom Homes, contact us today.